



Technical Data

Type Standard software
Kind Time recording, cost accounting
System requirements MS Windows 7, 10, 11
Licenses Single user, multi-user via follow-up license
Operation Menu-driven, chip card reader, barcode reader
Description MFEZeit is used to determine the cost expenditure related to an order. The working hours of all employees are entered separately according to orders and areas of activity. In addition, all non-productive times of the employees are recorded. The types of work (areas of activity) can be freely assigned by the user and are unlimited. This allows for individual adaptation to their requirements. The large number of evaluation options gives you an immediate overview of the costs and hours incurred. The built-in Excel interface enables the evaluated data to be further processed. Additional options include a personal data entry program and a data entry program using a check card and barcode reader.
Evaluation options
Order-related total
by activity (service type)
by distribution
by employee
by group of employees (departments)
by costs and/or hours
Date restrictions possible
Group of orders total
via costs and/or hours
Date restrictions possible
(any group of orders via left-aligned match of the order number)
Final digit of orders breaks down an order according to the order final number
according to activity (service type)
according to distribution
according to employee
according to costs and/or hours
Date restrictions possible
Customer related breaks down all orders for a customer
total costs and/or hours
Date restrictions possible
Final digit not equal to 0 total hours
Date restrictions possible
(lists all hours with order ending digit not equal to 0 (e.g.: warranty work)
All employees via service type breaks down all hours per employee for an order, according to the activity
Employee related breaks down all hours for an employee according to orders or activities
Date restrictions possible
Group related Breaks down all hours for a group of employees (department) according to orders or activities
Date restrictions possible
Employee flexitime lists all daily working hours for an employee with additional / reduced hours and overtime
Date restrictions possible
Capacity evaluation calculates the following key data for an employee:
Vacation, illness, unpaid leave, total absence, distribution times, work with calculation
Write capacity data calculates the capacity data (see above) for one or all employees and writes them into an Excel table
Daily evaluation Graphical representation of costs/hours across all employees over a day between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Monthly closings issues old monthly statements of employees
Expenses lists days with external work, with hours and kilometers driven
Areas of activity (Service types) Free entry of any number of service types with abbreviation and text.
Free assignment of the service type to one or more distributions
Distributions A total of 5 fixed distributions, which summarize the following activities:
Work with calculation (AmB), work without calculation (AoB), driving time without calculation (FoB), absence time (Fz), distribution time (Vz) (non-productive times, e.g.: cleaning up)
Group Free entry of any number of groups (departments) with group abbreviation and group text
Orders Free entry of any number of orders with order number (12 digits alphanumeric), order text and date
Assignment of orders to a customer number
Employees Free entry of any number of employees with last name, first name and title
Assignment to a group (department)
Two billing rates per employee
Individual target working time per weekday and employee
Choice of flexitime calculations: flexitime and overtime calculation, flexitime calculation only, without flexitime calculation
Flexitime calculation Flexitime account for the current month per employee
updating flexitime account per employee
automatic flextime and overtime calculation
distinction between internal and external work
four overtime factors (Ü1-Ü4)
free entry of surcharges for overtime factors
individually adjustable factors for overtime calculation
maximum flextime credit (limit to Ü1)
minimum weekly working hours (limit to Ü2)
maximum daily working hours (limit to Ü2)
input of public holidays for Ü3
input of public holidays for non-working days
Order ending digits Number 5
Free assignment of the meaning of the last digit (with text) e.g.:
0: Normal work
1: Guarantee work
2: Directed work
Free assignment of the last digits to billing rate 1 or 2
Monitoring Control for missing daily reports
Control for incorrect daily reports
Electronic countersignature of daily reports by supervisor
Daily report recording Recording of working hours
Standard (main program) Menu-driven recording in the main program for all employees
Recording of start and end of work
Break times, vacation days, sick days
Working time per activity / order
Immediate calculation of flexitime and overtime
Option 1 Menu-driven data entry program for each employee, allowing each employee to enter their daily report directly on their PC
Option 2 Workshop program
This allows a group of employees to record their working hours at a common station.
Personal identification is done using a check card.
Entry is done using a barcode reader.
Option 3 Time clock version
This allows a group of employees to record coming and going at a common station.
Personal identification is done using a check card.
Available languages German (other languages ​​on request)